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I created a copy of the tar archive and copied to entire content to it. Then I delete the old tar archive.
public void appendFileInTarArchive(String tarPath, String tarFileName, String file2WriteName, String file2WriteContent) throws AuthenticationException, IOException { if (tarPath == null || tarFileName == null || tarFileName.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("The path or the name of the tar archive is null or empty."); return; } final File tarFile = new File(tarPath, tarFileName); final File fileToAdd = new File(tarPath, file2WriteName); FileUtils.write(fileToAdd, file2WriteContent); if (file2WriteName == null || file2WriteName.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("The name of the file to append in the archive is null or empty."); return; } ArchiveStreamFactory asf = new ArchiveStreamFactory(); File tempFile = new File(tarPath, "tmpTar.tar"); tempFile.createNewFile(); try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(tarFile); ArchiveInputStream ais = asf.createArchiveInputStream(ArchiveStreamFactory.TAR, fis); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tempFile); ArchiveOutputStream aos = asf.createArchiveOutputStream(ArchiveStreamFactory.TAR, fos); // copy the existing entries ArchiveEntry nextEntry; while ((nextEntry = ais.getNextEntry()) != null) { aos.putArchiveEntry(nextEntry); IOUtils.copy(ais, aos); aos.closeArchiveEntry(); } // create the new entry TarArchiveEntry entry = new TarArchiveEntry(file2WriteName); entry.setSize(fileToAdd.length()); aos.putArchiveEntry(entry); IOUtils.copy(new FileInputStream(fileToAdd), aos); aos.closeArchiveEntry(); aos.finish(); ais.close(); aos.close(); // copies the new file over the old tarFile.delete(); tempFile.renameTo(tarFile); } catch (ArchiveException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(fileToAdd); }}